Sheeba’s turning point at Mengo

The picture shows a young girl standing in a dimly lit room with an expression of curiosity and contemplation. She is holding onto the back of a wooden walking stick. Sheeba is wearing a light-coloured T-shirt featuring a colourful design, and her short hair is neatly trimmed. Natural light coming through an opening highlight her face and upper body, creating a poignant and reflective atmosphere. Sheeba has a bilateral cataract and a physical impairment.


Sheeba Kalungi, an eleven-year-old from Central Uganda, underwent free cataract surgery at Mengo Hospital Eye Complex with the help of CBM.

Sheeba Kalungi, an eleven-year-old resident of Nansana, Central Uganda, faced significant challenges in her daily life. She was born with congenital bilateral cataracts and a shortened limb. Her eyesight got worse over time, making it hard for her to read and follow instructions in class.

The picture shows a woman sorting through a pile of plastic bottles outside a rustic, clay-walled house. She is focused on her work. Nearby, a young girl leans against the doorway with one hand shielding her eyes from the bright sunlight.

Sheeba's mother, Jenifer Wanyama, is a single parent who makes a living by collecting and selling plastic bottles. Because of financial difficulties, Sheeba couldn't get the medical care she needed. Despite Jenifer's efforts, the regular eye drops she bought from the local clinic didn't work for her daughter. This put Sheeba's dream of pursuing a career in medicine at risk.

Due to her condition, Sheeba experienced social isolation and bullying. To prevent accidents, her grandfather closely supervised her.

Simon Mugerwa, a social worker from the Mengo Hospital Eye Complex, gave Jenifer hope when he announced that CBM and Mengo would provide Sheeba with free cataract surgery.

Dr. Lisbon Aliraki, the lead surgeon, successfully performed the procedure to remove the cataracts from Sheeba’s eyes. When the bandage was removed, and Sheeba opened her eyes, she saw clearly for the first time in years. Her mother cried with joy. Sheeba now felt more confident and happier, and this renewed optimism encouraged her to go back to school.

The picture shows a girl smiling brightly while standing outdoors. She is wearing a pink dress with sequins on the bodice and holding a wooden crutch. The background features lush greenery and a clear sky.


With her sight restored and a newfound sense of empowerment, Sheeba is now ready for the next phase of her journey. She has sought assistance at Katalemwa Cheshire Home, another CBM partner organisation, to address her physical impairment. Her dream of becoming a doctor remains strong, and she is determined to make a meaningful difference in the lives of others.