Saving sight in DRC: Josué’s story

Josué’s story illustrates how timely intervention can make the difference between blindness and sight. Josué's mother, Jocelyne, initially expressed distress over her son's blindness due to cataracts, revealing that he only recognised her through her voice.

Living in the slums of Kinshasa, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Josué's family faced significant challenges due to financial constraints. Their dire situation resulted in Josué's deteriorating eyesight from an early age, leading to social isolation and a lack of access to education.

This plight would have continued without intervention, leaving Josué blind and with little hope for an independent future in a country with not many chances for persons with disabilities.

Good news in times of great need

Fortunately, during this time of need, a social worker named Sylvie connected with Josué and recommended the solution at the St. Joseph Eye Clinic – immediate surgery. With support from the CBM, Josue underwent a successful cataract surgery funded entirely by CBM donors. Josué's vision was restored, marking the beginning of a new chapter in his life.

When his bandages were removed, Josué could see, play, and look forward to an education he had previously been denied. This success story is not unique; in 2023, over 250,000 individuals received cataract surgeries through CBM-funded projects, resulting in an immeasurable positive impact on countless lives.

Josue after surgery

Training in post-operative care

In Tanzania, expert professionals such as orthoptists Rebecca Decker and Simona Erdt-Obwhere have contributed to the comprehensive care provided by the CBM-supported Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre.

Their training of specialist staff in addressing post-operative visual disorders, particularly following cataract surgeries, has dramatically enhanced the effectiveness of these interventions. This signifies a crucial aspect of ensuring successful outcomes by addressing complex visual impairments through skilled guidance and supervision in the post-operative phase.