CBID Annual Report:

These are the successes we achieved in 2024


Over the 12 months between April 2023 and March 2024, CBM and our partners achieved impressive results in local communities and nationally, from new partnerships to international awards. Read more below.

Around the world

Our partners Cameroon Baptist Health Services, the Doaba Foundation in Pakistan and PARIVAAR: National Confederation of Parent Organisations in India received our C B I D Innovation Fund 2023 to develop their creative project ideas. 

We were part of the international organizing committee for the Asia Pacific C B I D Congress 2023 in Cambodia and have been invited to work with the Nepal government and stakeholders to coordinate the 2027 conference. 

Three CBM-supported inclusive education projects in Gaza, Guatemala and Kenya, run by partners Atfaluna Deaf Children's Society, ADISA and Waldorf Kakuma Project, won the Zero Project Award 2024. The award recognises projects that address the needs and rights of persons with disabilities and contribute to creating a more just, equitable, and inclusive society. 

Seven-year-old Josephine is one of the students of the Waldorf Kakuma Project. The project received the Zero Project Award.


Asia and Eastern Mediterranean

In India, CBM received the Divyangjan Swabhiman Samman award for projects that contribute to advancing the inclusion of persons with disabilities. 

We worked with our partner, the Centre for Accessibility Monitoring Information on Disability and the University of Kelaniya in Sri Lanka to publish a new study on disability inclusion in education, economic development and transportation in three provinces. 

In Jordan, we are working with the Higher Council for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 

as well as with organisations of persons with disabilities (OPDs), community-based organisations and other national civil society organisations on a new project. This includes the development and rollout of new, national CBID standards to mainstream CBID, realise the rights of persons with disabilities and ensure equal access to services. 

East and Southern Africa

Beit CURE Hospital (BCH) Lusaka, Zambia. Mercy (9) after an operation for her chronic middle ear infection, examined by Dr. Haben Werkineh.

CURE International

We launched the new CBID short course in partnership with the Department of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, certified by the University of Cape Town in South Africa. This constitutes the final, advanced level of our CBID training and is open to CBM staff and partners as well as students. 

In Zambia, we worked with partner Beit CURE Hospital and the Zambian government to launch the country’s first-ever temporal bone laboratory for ear and hearing care. 

The Americas

In Guatemala, a consortium of OPDs who won the CBID Innovation Fund 2022 signed a memorandum of understanding with the Guatemala Electoral Authority to ensure the inclusion of persons with disabilities in electoral processes. 

We partnered with the Latin American Network of Organizations of Persons with Disabilities and their Families to publish a new study on disability rights in Honduras, Nicaragua and Guatemala. 

Carmen Lucía Guerrero (CBM) and Mauricio Mogollón (ADISA) collect the Zero Project Award for the project in Guatemala.

Central and West Africa

In Togo, we launched a new, 12-year project funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, which will be implemented by the Fédération Togolaise des Associations des Personnes Handicapées, the Togolese National Programme for Eye Health, and the Coalition Nationale Togolaise pour L'Education Pour Tous. The project aims to build sustainable structures for inclusive healthcare and empower disadvantaged groups to participate in the country’s social and economic development. 

In Nigeria, we are working with partners Elim Christian Vocational Training Centre and the Centre for Gospel Health and Development on a new, three-year EU-funded project to strengthen the resilience of civil service organisations and OPDs through community-based inclusive climate change adaptation and mitigation. The project also seeks to domesticate the national climate change policy at the subnational levels by making it fully inclusive. Another, three-year project funded by CBM aims to promote the wellbeing of persons with disabilities through improved access to affordable, right-based and sustainable packages of healthcare and livelihood services in three states. 

The CBM's CBID Report 2024