CBM Christoffel-Blindenmission Christian Blind Mission e.V.
Darmstadt District Court, Germany
Association register number: VR 20949
VAT identification number: DE813651075
Christian Blind Mission International, Inc.
PO Box 340
Wheaton, IL 60187-0340
Fundraising and Administration: Dr. Peter Schießl
Communication and Programs: Dr. Rainer Brockhaus
CBM Christoffel-Blindenmission Christian Blind Mission e.V.
Stubenwald-Allee 5
64625 Bensheim, Germany
Phone: +49 6251 131 131
CBM Christoffel-Blindenmission Christian Blind Mission e.V. is recognised as a non-profit and charitable association and registered with the district court of Darmstadt in Germany under the association register number VR 20949.
Responsible for content
Dr. Rainer Brockhaus
All copyrights are with the Christian Blind Mission.
Despite careful content control, we do not assume any liability for the content of external links. The operators of linked pages are solely responsible for their content.