Millions of people in Cameroon live with hearing loss, yet ear and hearing care services remain out of reach for most. In Cameroon, a child with earache or chronic ear disease may never consult a specialist. A farmer losing his hearing due to untreated infections, exposure to noise or head trauma could face loss of livelihood and income. A mother unable to afford hearing screening might remain unaware that her toddler’s speech delay is caused by preventable or treatable hearing loss. These represent the silent struggles of Cameroonians living with hearing impairment—a problem exacerbated by poverty, conflict, and a severe shortage of trained specialists and technicians, as well as lack of access to affordable hearing aids.
Now, a coalition of global partners is stepping in. The German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Christian Blind Mission (CBM), and Cameroon Baptist Convention Health Services (CBCHS) have launched a targeted project worth €733,333 to transform ear and hearing healthcare in three regions of Cameroon.
The “Strengthening Ear and Hearing Health Care capacities in Cameroon” project will be implemented in the Northwest, Central, and Littoral regions.
By 2028, the project aims to directly reach 112,500 people—half of whom are women, 15% persons with disabilities, and 41% are children—with life-changing screenings, diagnosis, treatments, assistive hearing devices and advocacy interventions. Moreover, more than one million people will be reached through awareness campaigns; 22 ear and hearing care (EHC) Clinical Officers will be trained in Primary EHC as Trainers of Trainers for 100 community health workers; and 14 nurses will be trained and equipped as Audiology Technicians at the three reference centres in North-West, Central and Littoral regions.