Funding is being squeezed across continents and sectors, so inevitably education funding is declining. Of the 240 million children with disabilities worldwide, many are denied the chance to benefit from the transformative power of quality, inclusive education. We can’t change this or achieve Sustainable Development Goal 4 without focused investment in disability-inclusive education. We must understand the role Official Development Assistance (ODA) plays in this process. At the third Global Disability Summit (GDS) we need world leaders to commit to fund inclusive education.
The disability policy marker
In 2018, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development’s Development Assistance Committee (OECD-DAC) introduced the non-compulsory ‘disability policy marker’ within its Creditor Reporting System (CRS). It monitors the extent to which ODA aims to be inclusive of persons with disabilities. DAC members track their projects on a scale from 0 to 2:
- 0 (‘not targeted’) – no disability inclusion focus;
- 1 (‘significant’) – inclusion and empowerment of persons with disabilities are significant project objectives;
- 2 (‘principal’) – inclusion and empowerment of persons with disabilities are the principal objectives.
Which donors were assessed?
The investigation listed the top 20 bilateral donors and then removed those not using the disability marker for at least 50% of their projects. Among the seven excluded donors were the top three bilateral donors (2021–2022) – Germany, the USA and France – revealing that substantial amounts of education ODA are not marked using the disability marker. The remaining donors were investigated: Austria, Australia, Canada, Denmark, Finland, Italy, Japan, Korea, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom, plus EU institutions as the only multilateral currently using the disability inclusion marker.