A young girl playing with a dog. A teacher is close by © CBM/argum/Einberger

Inclusive education for children with disabilities in Guatemala

Education projects in Guatemala utilise Inclusive methods for children with disabilities and set new standards for overcoming educational barriers.

Two girls playing with colourful blocks © CBM/argum/Einberger
Azucena (R) has developmental delay and mild cerebral palsy. She is visiting her preschool class at a regular school in Guatemala.

In Guatemala, cultural differences, economic status, location, and attitudes can block children from accessing a quality education.  CBM and its partners are working in five districts to integrate the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) approach and ensure that education is tailored to the needs of all learners. The project is implemented through the partner Asociación de Padres y Amigos de Personas con Discapacidad Santiago Atitlán (ADISA) and its three subpartners Fundación Guatemalteca para Niños con Sordoceguera Alex (FUNDAL), Asociación Rompiendo Límites (ASORO) and Senderos de Maíz.

UDL addresses these barriers and supports teachers to meet the diverse learning needs of their students. It brings fresh teaching methods that promote student interest and participation. The project is co-funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

“It is exciting and rewarding to witness the results of the implementation of the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in classes. Watching children learn and actively participate in activities adapted to their individual learning styles, as well as seeing teachers’ enthusiasm about the process shows the positive impact of UDL”, says Miriam Gallegos Navas, CBM’s regional advisor in the development of the ADISA project.

Education is a fundamental right. But around the world, children with disabilities still face barriers that prevent them from accessing education

“Children can excel and contribute to the educational environment, which makes the environment more inclusive, ending the separation of children with disabilities and without disabilities because everyone learns together.”

Sian Tesni, Global Advisor for Inclusive Education at CBM, said:

“Education is a fundamental right. But around the world, children with disabilities still face barriers that prevent them from accessing education and realising their full potential. 


We promote inclusive education through:

  • Kreuz

    Screening for early detection, medical and rehabilitation care

  • Eine Figur schreibt etwas auf.

    Support for regular school attendance, teacher training, vocational training

  • Haus

    Barrier-free expansion of schools with structural changes like ramps

  • Aufgeschlagenes Buch

    Braille textbooks and other educational materials for children with disabilities