Many people in low-income and newly industrialised countries experience disabilities that could potentially have been prevented through adequate care. The underlying issues include insufficient healthcare systems, substandard living conditions, and poor hygiene practices.
To enhance the long-term quality of life for those affected, CBM actively supports various programmes. We ensure that persons with disabilities receive appropriate medical treatment and rehabilitation services.
CBM and our donors and partners provide training for healthcare professionals and advocate for education and vocational training opportunities for affected people. We also strive to advance an inclusive society so that persons with disabilities are recognised as integral and valued community members.
The Americas is made up of more than 30 countries. In numerous nations within this region, persons with disabilities often experience a low social status. They face marginalisation and hindered access to the workforce and are frequently perceived as a burden. In many instances, disabilities do not occur at birth but are instead attributed to inadequate living conditions. A significant portion of the population in the Americas lacks access to essential medical care and education.
Children with disabilities often face significant challenges in accessing opportunities and support, which can impact their ability to live independently. To address issues related to poverty and provide early intervention for disabilities throughout the Americas, CBM focuses on specific medical and rehabilitative programmes, educational initiatives, and strategies to enhance inclusion within its projects.